Mutazione (pronounced: mu-ta-zi-O-neh) means “Mutation” in Italian, which is a perfect pontification for what the game achieves. Developer Die Gute Fabrik deftly defies convention, altering the standard tropes of game narrative at the molecular level. What begins with a girl named Kai arriving in Mutazione to take care of her ailing grandfather quickly spirals into something unexpected, charming and emotional. Small-town gossip fuels the community of oddball personalities, brimming with talk of backstabbing and venomous secrets. Toss in Lynchian hooks like magical musical gardens and intense dreamscapes and, well - you’re starting to understand what makes this game tick. iam8bit is proud to partner with Akupara Games to bring fans this much-awaited definitive edition of this award-winning marvel of narrative design.
*Select retailers may receive a non-limited variant of this title (without pack-ins or exclusives). Wholesale purchases are not yet finalized and are not guaranteed.